Those guys and girls at Disney/Pixar have done it again, they've created the perfect underwater world, full of fascinating Disney characters.A truly enchanting story of a father (Marlon) who loses his son (Nemo), and with help of his new found friend (Dory) ventures out into the ocean to try to find him. On this epic voyage he gets to battle sharks, surf with some turtle dudes, dice with some jellyfish and survive an encounter in a whales stomach.All the characters are vibrant with Disney charm, but my favourite is Dory, the comic relief, probably one of the funniest Disney characters ever written and superbly voiced by Ellen DeGeneres, pure genius.All in all this is another success for Disney and Pixar, It brings out the child in all of us.Solid family fun 8/10
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
This is another classic animated movie from my childhood. This is a great story and a good amount of comedy with Dory. Must see family film.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Okay, Disney and Pixar did a fabulous job. The images were so great, the storyline was typical but fun, the characters were well-defined, and the sound was emotive and effective. And, who could not love a flick that makes references to The Shining, Psycho, and other quality films?I seriously got attached to the little Clown fish, Nemo. The movie just sucked me in. Anyway, watch it. It's worth your time, especially if you enjoy Pixar animation. The first 10 minutes is a visual overload in a good way. Very good way.By the way, the voice of Jesus (Willem Dafoe) embodied by a Tiger fish? Awesome.